2025年2月15日 星期六
Application of W/O Drilling Fluid in Horizontal Well with Long Horizontal Sections in Oil Shale Formations

针对油页岩地层井壁易失稳、微纳米孔隙封堵难、长水平段井摩阻大及井眼净化难等难题, 利用线性膨胀法、滚动回收法及核磁共振法分析了地层岩性的性质、基质孔隙孔径及比表面积, 通过研发乳化剂、增黏提切剂、封堵剂及优选降滤失剂、润湿剂, 形成了油水比为70: 30的白油油包水钻井液体系。室内利用突破压力实验、三轴压缩试验及松弛测量法对该体系进行了评价, 评价结果发现: 该体系突破压力达6. 5MPa, 岩样经过钻井液浸泡后不仅能够保持岩样强度还能提高岩样 塑性, 松弛量值达60s后具有良好的悬浮能力。现场试验结果表明: 该体系流变性能稳定, 很好地解决了井壁失稳、井眼净化问题, 井径扩大率仅为3. 8%, 机械钻速达10. 85m/h, SY-1井创造了辽河油区最长水平段1800m 的记录。 


To address the challenges of oil shale formation well wall instability, micro and nano pore blocking, long horizontal section well friction and borehole purification. We have analysed the nature of formation lithology, matrix pore size and specific surface by using linear expansion method, rolling recovery method and nuclear magnetic resonance method, and developed a white W/O drilling fluid system with an oil-to-water ratio of 70: 30 by developing emulsifiers, tackifying and shear strength-improving agents, plugging agents and preferably filter loss agents, and wetting agents. The system was evaluated by using the breakthrough pressure test triaxial compression test and relaxation measurement method in the laboratory. The evaluation results showed that the system could not only maintain the strength of the rock sample but also improve the plasticity of the rock sample after the drilling fluid soaked with the breakthrough pressure of 6. 5MPa, and it had good suspension capacity after the relaxation value reached 60s. The field test results show that the system has stable rheological properties and solves the problems of well wall instability and borehole purification, with the well diameter expansion rate of only 3. 8% and the mechanical drilling speed of up to 10. 85m/h. The SY-1 well has set a record for the longest horizontal section of 1800m in the Liaohe River oil area.  

关键词油页岩, 井壁失稳, 长水平段, 井眼净化
KeywordsOil shale, well wall instability, long horizontal section, borehole purification
AuthorQIAN Zhiwei
所在单位中国石油集团长城钻探工程有限公司工程技术研究院, 盘锦 124010
CompanyResearch Institute of Engineering and Technology, Petro China Great Wall Drilling Co. Ltd. , Panjin 124010, China
基金项目国家科技重大专项“深井超深井优质钻井液与固井完井技术研究”(2016ZX05020-004)、中国石油天然气集团公司 重点科技攻关项目“深井与水平井提速提效技术集成与示范”(2018E-2018)资助
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引用本文钱志伟. 油包水钻井液在油页岩地层长水平段水平井中的应用[J]. 中国石油天然气研究, 2022, 1(1): 9-14.
CitationQIAN Zhiwei. Application of W/O drilling fluid in horizontal well with long horizontal sections in oil shale formations[J]. Chinese Petroleum and Natural Gas Research, 2022, 1(1): 9-14.