2024年9月18日 星期三
Book review of A Beautiful Question: Finding Nature's Deep Design

《万物原理》是一本由诺贝尔物理学奖得主弗兰克·维尔切克撰写的物理类科学普及读物。该书通过清晰而富有感染力的叙述, 通过十个核心概念, 深入浅出地讲述了物理学的基本原理, 包括时间与空间、物质与力、量子力学、宇宙的演化等。作者不仅分享了深刻的科学洞见, 还探讨了科学与哲学的关系, 强调科学探索的重要性和科学精神的价值。这本书不仅是一部知识丰富的科普读物, 更是一部启发思考的学术作品。它引导读者以全新的视角审视现实世界, 激发了对科学、宇宙和人类自身的深刻思考。通过阅读本书, 读者可以获取丰富的知识, 感受到科学的魅力和力量, 同时也能够从中感受到科学探索的乐趣并汲取到宝贵的智慧和启示。


《A Beautiful Question: Finding Nature's Deep Design 》is a popular science book authored by Frank Wilczek, a Nobel Laureate in Physics, . The book, through a clear and compelling narration and ten core concepts, elucidates the fundamental principles of physics, covering the topics on time and space, matter and force, quantum mechanics, and the evolution of the universe. In his book, Wilczek not only shared profound scientific insights but also explored the relationship between science and philosophy, emphasizing the importance of scientific exploration and the value of the scientific spirit. This book serves not only as an informative popular science reading, but also as an academically stimulating work that inspires thoughtful reflection. It guides the readers to examine the real world from a novel perspective, fostering deep contemplation on science, the universe, and humanity itself. By reading this book, readers can acquire a wealth of knowledge, appreciate the charm and power of science, and experience the joy of scientific exploration while gaining valuable wisdom and enlightment.  

关键词物理, 宇宙奥秘, 哲学思考, 书评
KeywordsPhysics, cosmic mysteries, philosophical reflection, book review
作者陈懿婧1,*, 阮佳玉2
AuthorCHEN Yijing1,*, RUAN Jiayu2
所在单位1. 辽宁科技大学, 鞍山 114051
2. 四川省交通建设集团有限责任公司, 成都 610041
Company1. University of Science and Technology Liaoning, Anshan 114051, China
2. Sichuan Transportation Construction Group Co. , LTD, Chengdu 610041, China
参考文献[1] 李树松. 宇宙万物、万力皆源于基元磁子的内禀“旋转”性原理研究[J]. 科技与企业, 2014(20): 185-187.
[2] 弗兰克·维尔切克. 万物原理[M]. 柏江竹, 高苹, 译. 北京: 中信出版社, 2022.
引用本文陈懿婧, 阮佳玉. 《万物原理》书评[J]. 中国物理学评论, 2024, 2(2): 5-8.
CitationCHEN Yijing, RUAN Jiayu. Book review of A Beautiful Question: Finding Nature's Deep Design[J]. Chinese Physics Review, 2024, 2(2): 5-8.