2024年4月29日 星期一
Study on the Heterogeneity of Air Pollution Control in the Yangtze River Economic Belt

环境规制是大气污染治理最有效的手段之一, 然而其异质性往往被忽略, 无法深入研究环境规制的治污效应和精准、科学地治理大气污染问题。本文基于长江经济带110个城市2011—2019年的数据研究了环境规制对大气污染影响的异质性, 包括污染前环境规制和污染后环境规制, 以及对废气排放污染和雾霾污染的治理效率, 增强了环境规制对大气污染影响的研究。研究发现: (1) 环境规制对大气污染的空间转移特征呈现显著的推动作用, 且污染前的环境规制更能抑制大气污染排放。 (2) 环境规制程度在时空上存在显著的粘性特征, 表现出正向的策略互动特征, 而且污染前的环境规制策略互动程度较强。本文通过研究环境规制对大气污染的异质性影响, 发现了环境规制治污的异质性, 包括时空异质性和异质性的环境规制对不同大气污染种类的影响, 为深入治理长江经济带的大气污染提供了参考。


Environmental regulation is one of the most effective means of air pollution control. However, its heterogeneity is often neglected, which prevents in-depth study of the pollution control effects of environmental regulation and accurate and scientific control of air pollution. This paper studies the heterogeneity of the impact of environmental regulation on air pollution based on the data from 110 cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt from 2011 to 2019. This includes pre-pollution environmental regulation, post-pollution environmental regulation, as well as the efficiency of controlling exhaust emission pollution and haze pollution. The study enhances the study of the impact of environmental regulation on air pollution. It is found that: (1) Environmental regulation presents a significant driving effect on the spatial transfer characteristics of air pollution, and pre-pollution environmental regulation is more effective in suppressing air pollution emissions. (2) The level of environmental regulation exhibits significant temporal and spatial stickiness, showing positive strategic interaction characteristics, and the degree of interaction of pre-pollution environmental regulation strategies is stronger. By studying the heterogeneity of the impact of environmental regulation on air pollution, this paper reveals the heterogeneity of environmental regulation for pollution control, including spatiotemporal heterogeneity and the impact of heterogeneous environmental regulation on different air pollutant types, which provides a reference for in-depth air pollution control in the Yangtze River Economic Belt.  

关键词长江经济带, 大气污染, 环境规制, 异质性
KeywordsYangtze River Economic Belt, air pollution, environmental regulation, heterogeneity
AuthorZHANG Kangkang
所在单位天津社会科学院生态文明研究所, 天津 300191
CompanyResearch Institute for Eco-civilization, Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences, Tianjin 300191, China
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引用本文张康康. 长江经济带大气污染治理异质性研究[J]. 中国可持续发展评论, 2023, 2(3): 49-59.
CitationZHANG Kangkang. Study on the Heterogeneity of air pollution control in the Yangtze River Economic Belt[J]. Chinese Sustainable Development Review, 2023, 2(3): 49-59.