2024年4月30日 星期二
Analysis on the Development History and Trend of China's Water related Standards

涉水标准化体系旨在满足水文、水利及水资源等事业协调发展和安全需要, 是水文水利高质量发展的主要支撑。截至2022年, 全国标准信息公共服务平台公开水资源管理、水利工程建设、运行管理、水土保持、农村水利水电、水库及水利水电工程移民、水旱灾害防御、水文、调水管理、水利信息化等涉水相关标准已达4000多项。本文基于数理统计、词频统计、共词分析等方法系统梳理中国涉水标准化体系及标准工作重点与发展历程, 通过对比分析总结涉水标准制修订中存在的问题, 探讨发展方向提出解决对策。研究表明我国涉水标准存在领域不平衡、体系转型相对滞后、机构薄弱、经费短缺、审批漫长、贯彻执行不彻底等问题。为全面提升涉水标准在水资源保护、水环境治理、水生态治理等流域与区域重点工作方面的规范指引能力, 未来涉水标准应不断推进涉水标准数据库建设, 加强协调各领域的涉水标准研发与编制, 强化涉水标准化组织间沟通协作和人才培养, 加快建立完善的技术标准体系及国际化转型能力, 以期为完善我国涉水标准提供参考。


The water related standardization system aims to meet the coordinated development and safety demands of hydrology, water conservancy, and water resources, and serves as the main support for the high-quality development of hydrology and water resources. By 2022, the national standard information public service platform. has disclosed more than 4000 water related standards, covering the topics of water resources management, water conservancy project construction, operation management, water and soil conservation, rural water conservancy and hydropower, reservoirs and water conservancy and hydropower project resettlement, flood and drought disaster prevention, hydrology, water transfer management, water conservancy informatization and other water-related standards. Based on the methodology of mathematical statistics, word frequency and co-word analysis, this article systematically sorts out China's water related standardization system, as well as the emphasis and development process of the standard work. Additionally, we summarise the problems and explore the development of countermeasures in the formulation and revision of water related standards through comparative analysis. The study shows that there are some problems in China’s water related standards, including imbalanced fields, relatively lagging system transformation, weak institutions, shortage of funds, lengthy approval, and incomplete implementation and enforcement of the problems. In order to comprehensively enhance the normative guidance ability of water related standards in main areas such as water resource protection, water environment management, and water ecological management in river basins and regions, future water related standards should continuously promote the construction of water related standards databases, strengthen the coordination in the research and development and compilation of water related standards in various fields, promote the communication and collaboration of water related standardization organizations, and talent cultivation, and accelerate the establishment of a comprehensive technical standard system and international transformation ability, so as to provide reference for the improvement of the water related standards in China.  

文章类型综 述
关键词涉水标准化, 词频统计, 共词分析, 发展对策
KeywordsWater related standardization, word frequency statistics, co-word analysis, development countermeasures
作者宋松1, 钟思敏1, 洪铨1, 陈建耀2,*, 蔡晓冬3
AuthorSONG Song1, ZHONG Simin1, HONG Quan1, CHEN Jianyao2,*, CAI Xiaodong3
所在单位1. 广州大学地理科学与遥感学院, 广州 510006
2. 中山大学地理科学与规划学院, 广州 510006
3. 广东省水利水电行业协会, 广州 510635
Company1. School of Geography and Remote Sensing, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China
2. School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510006, China
3. Guangdong Provincial Water Conservancy and Hydropower Industry Association, Guangzhou 510635, China
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引用本文宋松, 钟思敏, 洪铨, 等. 中国涉水标准发展历程及趋势分析[J]. 中国水科学前沿, 2023, 1(3): 29-40.
CitationSONG Song, ZHONG Simin, HONG Quan, et al. Analysis on the development history and trend of China's water related standards[J]. Frontiers of Chinese Water Sciences, 2023, 1(3): 29-40.