摘要 | 混凝土是人类文明在地球上有形足迹的最明显表现之一, 其应用量大面广, 已成为世界上用量最大的人造工程材料。混凝土改变了世界并塑造了人类文明, 在未来仍然不可或缺。但大量混凝土的生产和使用对资源、能源和环境影响巨大, 是全球碳排放重要来源之一。基于大气中二氧化碳浓度导致气候快速变化而威胁人类生存条件的预测, 为推动人类社会和文明的永续发展, 混凝土发展面临严峻挑战。本文首先简要介绍了混凝土的基本知识, 其次总结了混凝土的发展历程, 再次分析了混凝土发展目前面临的挑战, 最后提出了混凝土可持续发展的策略与路线。 |
Abstract | As one of the most visible manifestations of the tangible footprint of human civilisation on the planet, concrete is largely and widely applied, and has become the most widely used man-made engineering material in the world. Concrete has changed the world and shaped human civilization, and will remain indispensable in the future. However, as one of the major sources of global carbon emissions, the production and application of large quantities of concrete has a huge impact on resource, energy and the environment. Based on the prediction that the rapid climate change, caused by the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, will threaten the living conditions of human beings. Thus, the development of concrete is facing serious challenges in order to promote the perpetual development of human society and civilization. This paper firstly introduces the basic knowledge of concrete briefly, then summarizes the development history of concrete, analyzes the challenges of concrete development at present, and finally puts forward strategies and routes for the sustainable development of concrete. |
DOI | 10.48014/ems.20220728001 |
文章类型 | 综 述 |
收稿日期 | 2022-07-28 |
接收日期 | 2022-08-05 |
出版日期 | 2022-09-28 |
关键词 | 混凝土, 气候变化, 碳排放, 可持续发展, 策略与路线 |
Keywords | Concrete, climate change, carbon emissions, sustainable development, strategy and route |
作者 | 王欣悦1, 丁思齐2, 董素芬3, 李晓民4, 韩宝国1,* |
Author | WANG Xinyue1, DING Siqi2, DONG Sufen3, LI Xiaomin4, HAN Baoguo1,* |
所在单位 | 1. 大连理工大学土木工程学院, 大连 116024 2. 哈尔滨工业大学 (深圳) 土木与环境工程学院, 深圳 518055 3. 大连理工大学交通运输学院, 大连 116024 4. 甘肃省交通规划勘察设计院股份有限公司, 兰州 730010 |
Company | 1. School of Civil Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China 2. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen 518055, China 3. School of Transportation and Logistics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China 4. Gansu Province Transportation Planning, Survey and Design Institute Co. LTD, Lanzhou 730050, China |
浏览量 | 3599 |
下载量 | 1065 |
基金项目 | 国家自然科学基金项目(项目号:51978127;52178188;51908103); 中国博士后基金(项目号:2022M710973)。 |
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引用本文 | 王欣悦, 丁思齐, 董素芬, 等. 混凝土可持续发展: 应对碳排放引起气候变化危机[J]. 工程材料与结构, 2022, 1(1): 1-14. |
Citation | WANG Xinyue, DING Siqi, DONG Sufen, et al. Sustainable development of concrete: Tackling the climate change crisis caused by carbon emissions[J]. Engineering Materials and Structures, 2022, 1(1): 1-14. |