2025年2月15日 星期六
Changes of Surface Water Resources in China's Mountains in the Past 50 Years

山地系统作为“世界水塔”, 为人类社会发展提供了重要的水资源; 然而, 近几十年来山地水资源发生明显变化, 威胁着人类可持续发展。基于长期的水文、气象以及相关环境要素资料, 利用趋势分析方法, 本研究系统分析了近50年来中国山地地区水资源的变化规律。结果表明, 近50年来中国山地地表水资源均出现明显变化, 且各山区的变化趋势存在差异, 其中青藏高原与天山地区地表水资源总体呈增加趋势, 而横断山区、太行山、秦岭、长白山以及云贵高原地区地表水资源出现不同程度的减少趋势。进一步分析表明, 各山地地表水资源变化的主要影响过程存在明显差异, 气候变化对高海拔的青藏高原和天山地区地表水资源变化起主导作用, 人类相关活动对其它山地地区的影响则更加强烈。为应对中国山地地表水资源变化带来的挑战, 需充分考虑各山地地区独特的自然环境以及社会系统。


Mountains, provide crucial water resources for the development of human society, are the water towers of the world. However, mountain water resources have undergone marked changes in recent decades, posing a threat to sustainable human development. Based on long-term hydrological, meteorological, and related environmental data, this study analyzes the evolving patterns of water resources in China's mountains over the past 50 years using trend analysis methods. The results indicate that surface water resources in China's major mountains have undergone noticeable changes over the past 50 years, with varying trends among different mountains. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Tianshan regions show an overall increasing trend in surface water resources, while the Hengduan Mountains, Taihang Mountains, Qinling Mountains, Changbai Mountains, and Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau have witnessed decreasing trends to varying degrees. Furthermore, there are differences in the primary processes influencing surface water resource changes across various mountains. For example, climate change plays a predominant role in driving surface water resource changes in the high-altitude Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Tianshan region, while human-related activities exert a stronger impact on surface water resource changes in other mountains. To address the challenges brought about by changes in China's mountain  surface water resources, it is crucial to take into full consideration the unique natural environments and social systems of each mountain.  

关键词中国山地, 地表水资源, 趋势分析, 适应对策
KeywordsChinese mountains, surface water resources, trend analysis, adaptation strategies
作者黄鹏1,2, 王根绪1,2,*
AuthorHUANG Peng1,2, WANG Genxu1,2,*
所在单位1. 四川大学水利水电学院, 成都 610000
2. 四川大学水力学与山区河流开发保护国家重点实验室, 成都 610000.
Company1. College of Water Resource and Hydropower, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610000, China
2. State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain River Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610000, China.
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引用本文黄鹏, 王根绪. 近50年来中国山地地表水资源变化[J]. 中国水科学前沿, 2023, 1(4): 41-52.
CitationHUANG Peng, WANG Genxu. Changes of surface water resources in China's mountains in the past 50 years[J]. Theory and Practice of Chinese Pedagogy, 2023, 1(4): 41-52.