2024年4月29日 星期一
The Development History of International Housing Rental Market and Implication for China

本研究选择了自18世纪工业革命以来, 在不同历史阶段背景下该时期具有代表性的典型地区或者国家, 对租赁住房市场的发展起源、背景与政策过程进行分析, 在时间演进的视角下, 呈现了各地区在不同社会发展阶段下租赁住房市场发展的“缩影”。基于国际比较视角, 本研究总结了国际租赁住房市场发展的一般性规律, 以期对我国住房租赁市场发展形成有益的经验借鉴与启示。当前, 我国住房租赁市场正处于构建期, 在发展过程中需要注重平衡三对关系, 即国外经验与国内实情的关系, 社会市场与政府的关系, 住房与民生的关系。对此, 建议加快符合国情的住房租赁市场的政策顶层设计, 完善配套举措; 加强保障性租赁住房与市场化租赁住房的协同发展, 发挥雇主责任; 因城施策发展住房租赁市场, 满足不同市民的住房需求。


Since the industrial revolution in the 18th century, under the background of different historical stages, this study chose the representative typical regions or countries of that period to analyze the origin, background and policy process of the development of the rental housing market. From the perspective of time evolution, it presents the “epitome” of the development of the rental housing market in each region under different stages of social development. Based on the perspective of international comparison, this paper summarized the general rules of the development of international rental housing market, with a view to forming useful experience and inspiration for the development of China’s housing rental market. At present, China’s housing rental market is under construction, and in the process of development, it is necessary to focus on balancing three pairs of relationships, namely, the relationship between foreign experience and domestic reality, the relationship between social market and the government, and the relationship between housing and people's livelihood. In this regard, it is recommended that the top-level policy design of policies for the housing rental market in line with the national conditions be accelerated and supporting measures be improved; the synergistic development of government-subsidized rental housing and market-oriented rental housing be strengthened, and the responsibility of employers be brought into play; and the housing rental market be in accordance with city-specific policies to meet the housing needs of different types of citizens.  

关键词租赁住房市场, 欧美, 印度, 国际经验
KeywordsRental housing market, Europe and America, India, international experience
AuthorWU Jia
所在单位上海市房地产科学研究院, 上海 200031
CompanyShanghai Real-estate Science Research Institute, Shanghai 200031, China
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引用本文吴佳. 国际住房租赁市场发展历程及对我国的启示[J]. 中国经济研究, 2023, 2(1): 1-11.
CitationWU Jia. The development history of international housing rental market and implication for China[J]. Journal of Chinese Economy, 2023, 2(1): 1-11.