摘要 | 农林废弃物是我国重要且丰富的生物质资源之一, 通过绿色低碳的生物手段实现农林废弃物资源化利用具有重要意义, 有利于实现“碳中和”目标并推动农林产业的可持续发展。灵芝 (Ganoderma lucidum) 富含多种活性成分, 具有极高的药用价值, 因此, 灵芝的人工栽培和产品研发领域在全球范围内受到广泛关注。随着灵芝人工栽培产业规模的扩大, 利用农林废弃物作为灵芝栽培代料的方式是目前的研究热点。本文综述了在灵芝代料栽培领域各种农林废弃物转化利用的研究成果和应用案例, 并讨论了芝农/芝林栽培模式的发展潜力及优势。通过对农林废弃物在灵芝栽培中资源化利用的研究成果进行分析, 重点探讨了代料研发方案以及不同培养基质对灵芝生长效率、产量和营养成分的影响。以期为农林废弃物高值化利用以及人工灵芝栽培行业的发展提供参考, 并为农业和林业生态系统提升碳汇提供借鉴。 |
Abstract | Agricultural and forestry waste is one of the important and abundant biomass resources in China, and it is of great significance to realise the resource utilisation of agricultural and forestry waste through green and low-carbon biological means, which is conducive to achieving the goal of “carbon neutrality” and promoting the sustainable development of the agricultural and forestry industry. Ganoderma lucidum is rich in various active ingredients and has high medicinal value, so the artificial cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum and product research and development have received extensive attention worldwide. With the expansion of Ganoderma lucidum artificial cultivation industry, the use of agricultural and forestry wastes as a substitute material for Ganoderma lucidum cultivation is a hot research topic nowadays. This paper reviews the research results and application cases of various agricultural & forestry waste conversion using in the field of Ganoderma lucidum substitution cultivation and discusses the development potential and advantages of Ganoderma lucidum cultivation and combined cultivation mode of agriculture and forestry. By analyzing the research results on the resource utilization of agroforestry wastes in Ganoderma lucidum cultivation, we focused on the effects of culture media R&D protocols with different culture substrates, and its effect on the growth efficiency, yield and nutrient composition of Ganoderma lucidum. This provides reference for the high-value utilisation of agricultural and forestry wastes and the development of artificial Ganoderma lucidum cultivation industry, as well as the enhancement of carbon sinks in agricultural and forestry ecosystems. |
DOI | 10.48014/pceep.20240315002 |
文章类型 | 综 述 |
收稿日期 | 2024-03-15 |
接收日期 | 2024-03-30 |
出版日期 | 2024-06-28 |
关键词 | 农林废弃物, 灵芝, 代料栽培, 资源化利用, 生态系统增汇 |
Keywords | Agricultural and forestry waste, Ganoderma lucidum, substitute cultivation, resource utilization, environmental protection |
作者 | 尹哲玉1,2, 王家辰1,3,4, 亓香凝1,2,3,*, 王建城3,*, 白志辉1,2 |
Author | YIN Zheyu1,2, WANG Jiachen1,3,4, QI Xiangning1,2,3,*, WANG Jiancheng3,*, BAI Zhihui1,2 |
所在单位 | 1. 中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 北京 100085 2. 中国科学院大学资源与环境学院, 北京 100049 3. 滨州魏桥国科高等技术研究院, 滨州 256606 4. 郑州大学河南先进技术研究院, 郑州 450001 |
Company | 1. Research Center for Eco-Environmental Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China 2. College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China 3. Binzhou Institute of Technology, Weiqiao-UCAS Science and Technology Park, Binzhou 256606, China 4. Zhengzhou University, Henan Institute of Advanced Technology, Zhengzhou 450001, China |
浏览量 | 134 |
下载量 | 100 |
基金项目 | 本项研究得到了魏桥国科低碳技术专项(资助号GYY-DTFZ-2022-004); 国家重点研发计划课题(资助号 2023YFF1304101)、教育部“产学合作协同育人”项目(资助号BINTECH-KJZX-20220831-05)的资助。 |
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Citation | YIN Zheyu, WANG Jiachen, QI Xiangning, et al. The progress of Ganoderma lucidum cultivation by utilizing agricultural and forestry wastes[J]. Progress in Chinese Eco-Environmental Protection, 2024, 2(2): 11-21. |