2025年1月19日 星期日
《Modeling and Simulation of Environmental Systems: A Computation Approach》书评
Book Review of Modeling and Simulation of Environmental Systems:A Computation Approach

水和空气是构成环境连续体的相互作用的重要因素, 这些因素对我们的生活方式、经济福祉以及生态系统的健康和完整性至关重要。随着先进的计算模型、数值技术和快速计算机的发展, 一些复杂的环境管理问题都可以通过计算模型来解决。《Modeling and Simulation of Environmental Systems: A Computation Approach》是一本环境系统建模和模拟领域的英文专著 (由CRC Press出版社出版) , 这本书分为水资源、空气污染、物联网和环境系统以及环境系统中的未来算法共四个章节, 介绍了环境系统的建模和模拟及相关案例研究, 涵盖了用于解决空气和水污染问题的计算方法、时空分析建模的通用方法, 采用公式、算法和技术来建立数学模型, 为复杂建模问题公式的实现提供了途径。本文对该著作的编著者进行了简要介绍, 对书中章节架构进行了系统化梳理, 并分析了部分环境模型的应用以及使用这些模型的机遇和挑战。该著作展示了如何将模型、指标和生态过程直接应用于环境子学科, 可为环境从业者和科研工程技术人员提供指导和参考。


Water and air are important elements of the interactions that make up the environmental continuum, and these factors are critical to our lifestyles, economic well-being, and the health and integrity of ecosystems. With the development of advanced computational modelling, numerical techniques and fast computers, some complex environmental management problems can be solved by computational modelling. Modeling and Simulation of Environmental Systems: A Computation Approach is an English-language monograph in the field of modeling and simulation of environmental systems (published by CRC Press) , which is divided into four chapters, Water Resources, Air Pollution, Internet of Things and Environmental Systems, and Future Algorithms in Environmental Systems. Future Algorithms in Environmental Systems, presents four chapters on modeling and simulation of environmental systems and related case studies, covering computational methods used to solve air and water pollution problems, a general approach to spatio-temporal analytical modeling, the use of formulas, algorithms, and techniques to build mathematical modeling, and a pathway to the implementation of formulas for complex modeling problems. This paper briefly introduces the authors of the work, systematically sorts out the chapter structure of the book, and analyzes the application of some of the environmental models as well as the opportunities and challenges of using them. The work demonstrates how models, metrics, and ecological processes can be directly applied to environmental subdisciplines and can provide guidance and reference for environmental practitioners and research engineers.  

关键词建模, 环境管理, 环境系统, 算法, 书评
KeywordsModeling, environmental management, environmental systems, algorithms, book reviews
AuthorCAO Congjie1,2
所在单位1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所中国科学院陆地表层格局与模拟重点实验室, 北京 100101
2. 中国地质大学 (北京) 土地科学技术学院, 北京 100101
Company1. Key Laboratory of Land Surface Pattern and Simulation, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
2. School of Land Science and Technology, China University of Geosciences (Beijing) , Beijing 100101, China
参考文献[1] Maurya S P, Yadav A, Singh R P. Modeling and simulation of environmental systems: a computation approach[M]. CRC Press, 2023.
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引用本文曹聪洁. 《Modeling and Simulation of Environmental Systems: A Computation Approach 》书评[J]. 中国生态环境保护进展, 2023, 1(4): 49-51.
CitationCAO Congjie. Book Review of Modeling and Simulation of Environmental Systems: A Computation Approach[J]. Progress in Chinese Eco-Environmental Protection, 2023, 1(4): 49-51.