2024年4月28日 星期日
Promote the Construction of Zero-Waste Supply Chain and Realize Urban Reduction of Pollution and Carbon Emissions

在“无废城市”的建设中, 开展“无废供应链”管理对于从源头实现生态环境保护和废弃物污染防治具有巨大的应用潜力。本文在分析“无废供应链”管理模式对于促进废弃物源头减量、资源化和无害化处置作用及意义的基础上, 深入探讨了在“无废城市”中创建“无废供应链”面临的障碍, 提出了“无废供应链”管理助力深入打好污染防治攻坚战的政策建议: (1) 开展“无废供应链”示范试点及效果评价, 提升“无废城市”建设动能; (2) 建立健全“无废供应链”创建及评价的标准, 打造市场化认证体系; (3) 逐步将“无废供应链”管理内容纳入“无废城市”建设目标和实施方案, 完善保障措施。


In the construction of “Zero-waste cities”, developing “Zero-waste supply chain” management has great potential for the application of ecological environment protection and waste pollution prevention from the source. This paper analyzes the role and significance of the “Zero-waste supply chain” management model in promoting the reduction, resourcefulness and harmless disposal of waste at source, and then discusses the barriers to the creation of a “Zero-waste supply chain” in a “Zero-waste city”. . Based on this, it deeply explores the obstacles of carrying out the creation of “Zero-waste supply chain” in “Zero-waste cities”. This paper also puts forward policy recommendations for “Zero-waste supply chain” to help us fight the battle of pollution prevention and control in depth, includes (1) carrying out demonstration pilot projects and evaluating the effectiveness of the “Zero-waste supply chain” to enhance the motivation for “Zerowaste cities” construction; (2) Establishing and improving the standards for creating and evaluating “Zerowaste supply chain”, and building a market-oriented certification system; (3) Gradually incorporating the management of the “Zero-waste supply chain” into the objectives and implementation programmes of the “Zero-waste cities” construction, and improving the safeguard measures.  

关键词无废供应链, 无废城市, 减污降碳
KeywordsZero-waste supply chain, zero-waste city, reduction of pollution and carbon emissions
作者单明威1,2, 于永淼1,2, 谭雅馨3, 曹虎3, 靳敏3,*
AuthorSHAN Mingwei1,2, YU Yongmiao1,2, TAN Yaxin3, CAO Hu3, JIN Min3,*
所在单位1. 生态环境部环境发展中心, 北京 100029
2. 中环联合 (北京) 认证中心有限公司, 北京 100029
3. 中国人民大学环境学院, 北京 100086
Company1. Environmental Development Center, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Beijing 100029, China
2. China Environmental United Certification Center, Beijing 100029, China
3. School of Environment & Natural Resources, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100086, China .
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引用本文单明威, 于永淼, 谭雅馨, 等. 推动“无废供应链”建设, 实现城市减污降碳[J]. 中国可持续发展评论, 2023, 2(4): 60-65.
CitationSHAN Mingwei, YU Yongmiao, TAN Yaxin, et al. Promote the construction of zero-waste supply chain and realize urban reduction of pollution and carbon emissions[J]. Chinese Sustainable Development Review, 2023, 2(4): 60-65.