摘要 | 物联网以互联网为基础实现万物互联, 传统商品混凝土生产由于是半自动和人工管理生产导致信息经验主义差错、透明程度低、缺乏扼要监督等问题, 因此利用物联网技术设计一款新型混凝土搅拌站生产管理系统和砼车调度系统显得尤为重要, 物联网技术从感知层、接入层、处理层和应用层四个层面入手, 引入RFID技术、GIS地理信息系统、GPS全球定位系统和各类传感器, 使商品混凝土生产和调度更适应时代。本文从商品混凝土的组成、发展和搅拌站的运营流程出发, 阐述运营中车辆调度和生产管理两个关键环节的研究现状, 概括了商砼物联网系统的架构和物联网技术在商品混凝土搅拌站生产管理和车辆调度中的应用。最后, 提出今后物联网技术在商品混凝土中的应用研究应侧重以下方面: (1) 基于商品混凝土时效性、连续性和需求不固定性特性展开研究; (2) 整合搅拌站的资源并进行生产管理控制系统开发研究; (3) 建立车辆管理系统和调度算法研究。 |
Abstract | The Internet of Things is based on the Internet to achieve the Internet of everything, the traditional commercial concrete production due to semi-automatic and manual management of production leads to information empirical error, low degree of transparency, lack of brief supervision and other problems, so the use of the Internet of Things technology to design a new concrete mixing plant production management system and concrete truck scheduling system is particularly important. The Internet of Things technology starts from four levels: perception layer, access layer, processing layer and application layer, and introduces RFID technology, GIS (geographic information system) , GPS (global positioning system) and various sensors to make commercial concrete production and scheduling more adaptable to The Times. Starting from the composition, development of commercial concrete and operation process of commercial concrete mixing station, this paper describes the research status of the two key links of vehicle scheduling and production management in operation, summarizes the architecture of commercial concrete Internet of Things system and the application of Internet of Things technology in production management and vehicle scheduling of commercial concrete mixing station. Finally, it is proposed that the future research on the application of Internet of Things technology in commercial concrete should focus on the following aspects: (1) Research based on the timeliness, continuity and irregular demand characteristics of commercial concrete; (2) Integrate the resources of mixing stations and conduct research of production management control system; (3) Research on the establishment of vehicle management system and scheduling algorithm. |
DOI | 10.48014/fcmet.20230702001 |
文章类型 | 研究性论文 |
收稿日期 | 2023-06-05 |
接收日期 | 2023-06-11 |
出版日期 | 2023-06-28 |
关键词 | 商品混凝土, 物联网技术, 混凝土搅拌站, 车辆调度 |
Keywords | Commercial concrete, internet of things technology, concrete batching plant, vehicle scheduling |
作者 | 杨成钢 |
Author | YANG Chenggang |
所在单位 | 华北水利水电大学, 郑州 450045 |
Company | North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Zhengzhou 450045, China |
浏览量 | 485 |
下载量 | 179 |
基金项目 | 国家自然科学基金项目“基于物联网的企业资源配置优化研究”(71371172); “河南2023预拌混凝土材料智能配送关键技术及云平台系统研发”(232102220089) |
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引用本文 | 杨成钢. 物联网技术在商品混凝土中的应用研究现状及展望[J]. 中国机械工程技术学报, 2023, 2(2): 10-19. |
Citation | YANG Chenggang. Research status and prospect of the application of internet of things technology in commercial concrete[J]. Frontiers of Chinese Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 2023, 2(2): 10-19. |