2024年7月27日 星期六
A Critical Review on New Structural Economic

新结构经济学在今天的中国已经成为影响力最大的经济学理论之一, 但仍有许多经济学师生并不真正理解其理论分析框架和政策建议的本质, 因此对其客观描述和评价就显得极为必要。本文考察了新结构经济学的研究对象、分析框架和政策理论, 从研究对象和分析框架上看, 新结构 经济学位于从传统新古典经济学向杨小凯的新兴古典经济学过渡的中间形态; 由于新结构经济学的分析框架中, 制度环境的功能不是决定生产结构集, 而是通过交易费用影响要素禀赋结构决定的最优生产结构的实现, 因而在政策实践上, 新结构经济学只能解释中国改革开放四十年高速增长, 无法识别中国何时应再次进行制度转轨以最终实现发达经济体的时机。


New structural economics has become one of the most influential economic theories in China today. However, there are still many scholars and students in economics who could not understand the nature of its theoretical and analytical framework and policy recommendations, which make it necessary to describe and evaluate it objectively. This paper investigates the object of study, analytical framework and policy theory of new structural economics, which, in terms of object of study and analytical framework, lies in an intermediary form. in the transition from traditional neoclassical economics to new classical economics by Xiaokai Yang. Since the function of the institutional environment in the analytical framework of new structural economics is not to determine the set of production structures, but to realize the optimal production structure determined by the structure of factor endowment structure through transaction costs, in terms of policy practice, new structural economics could only explain the rapid growth rate of China’s reform. and opening up for 40 years, and cannot identify when China should again undergo an institutional transformation in order to achieve the timing of an advanced economy eventually.  

关键词新结构经济学, 要素禀赋, 生产结构, 制度变革时机
KeywordsNew Structural Economics, endowment of factors, production structure, timing of institutional chang
AuthorWANG Zhihu
所在单位贵州财经大学经济学院, 贵阳 550025
CompanySchool of Economics, Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, Guiyang 550025, China
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引用本文王智慧. 新结构经济学的一个批判性评述[J]. 中国经济研究, 2022, 1(2): 27-35
CitationWANG Zhihui. A critical review on new structural economics[J]. Journal of Chinese Economy, 2022, 1(2): 27-35.