摘要 | 科举学自1992年由刘海峰教授提出, 以其发表了一系列文章为开端, 引起了学界广泛关注。 科举学研究30年回顾应从其创立与发展历程两方面来探究。而后应对科举学研究成果在代表作、内容两个面向进行梳理。时至今日, 科举学的影响越来越大: 科举学研究规模越来越壮大、科举文化在当前社会蔚然成风、科举学研究影响从中国推向国际。 |
Abstract | The studies of imperial examination was first proposed by Professor Liu Haifeng in 1992 with the publication of a series of articles, and ever since that time it has attracted extensive attention in the academic circles. The 30-year review of imperial examination research should be explored from such two aspects as its establishment and the development process, based on which the research results of imperial examination in the two aspects of representative work and content shall be sorted out. For the time being, the studies of imperial examination are gaining greater influence, the research scale of such studies is ever extending, the culture of imperial examination is growing more prevalent in the current society, and the impact of imperial examination research is being promoted from China to the world. |
DOI | 10.48014/tpcp.20220327003 |
文章类型 | 研究性论文 |
收稿日期 | 2022-03-27 |
接收日期 | 2022-05-05 |
出版日期 | 2022-06-28 |
关键词 | 科举学, 30周年, 考试研究, 文化研究, 历史研究 |
Keywords | Studies of imperial examination, 30th anniversary, examination research, cultural studies, historical research |
作者 | 苑津山 |
Author | YUAN Jinshan |
所在单位 | 浙江大学教育学院浙江大学科举学与考试研究中心, 杭州 130024 |
Company | Imperial Examination and Examination Research Center, College of Education, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 130024, China |
浏览量 | 1990 |
下载量 | 861 |
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引用本文 | 苑津山. 科举学30年来的历史回顾与展望[J]. 中国教育学理论与实践, 2022, 1(1): 1-8. |
Citation | YUAN Jinshan. Historical review and prospect of imperial examination in the past 30 years[J]. Theory and Practice of Chinese Pedagogy, 2022, 1(1): 1-8. |