2025年1月19日 星期日
Research on the Quality Assurance of Primary and Secondary After-school Services in Guizhou under the Perspective of High-Quality Development

在“双减”政策背景下, 中小学课后服务体系建设对于营造良好教育生态及教育公共性的回归具有重要意义, 成为课后服务发展不可或缺的部分。鉴于资源差异, 贵州省课后服务存在诸多问题。通过对贵州省课后服务数量白名单实施调查, 并对比各市间数据, 发现整治后的贵州省中小学课后服务领域状况好转, 但仍存在如下质量问题: 课后服务主体权责不清晰, 课后服务内容精确性不足, 课后服务经费协同性缺乏, 以及课后服务成果评价体系不完善。为解决这些问题, 本研究以教育高质量发展观为指导, 提出以下课后服务质量措施: 构建课后服务主体权责互享机制, 提升课后服务内容精确性, 调整课后服务经费配置模式, 以及健全课后服务质量评价体系。这些措施旨在提高贵州中小学课后服务质量与效益, 以学生全面发展为目标, 实现贵州中小学课后服务高质量发展, 推动贵州省教育进步。


In the context of the “double-decrease” policy, the construction of an after-school service system for primary and secondary schools is of great significance to the creation of a good educational ecology and the return of the public nature of education, and has become an indispensable part of the development of after- school services. Given the differences in resources, there are many problems with after-school services in Guizhou Province. Through the implementation of the survey on the white list of the number of afterschool services in Guizhou Province, and comparing the data between cities, it is found that the situation in the field of after-school services for primary and secondary schools in Guizhou Province has improved after the remediation, but there are still the following quality problems: unclear rights and responsibilities of the main body of after-school services, insufficient precision of the content of after-school services, lack of after- school services funding synergy, and an imperfect evaluation system of the results of after-school services. In order to solve these problems, this study proposes the following after-school service quality measures under the guidance of the concept of high-quality development of education: constructing a mechanism for the mutual sharing of rights and responsibilities among after-school service subjects, improving the accuracy of after-school service content, adjusting the mode of after-school service funding, and improving the evaluation system of after-school service quality. These measures are designed to improve the quality and effectiveness of after-school services in Guizhou's primary and secondary schools, to achieve high-quality development of after-school services in Guizhou's primary and secondary schools with the goal of the comprehensive development of students, and to promote the progress of education in Guizhou Province. Under the background of “Double Reduction” policy, the construction of after-school service guarantee system for primary and secondary schools plays an important role in the creation of good education ecology and the return of education publicity, and it is an indispensable part of the development of after-school service. Through literature research and field research, it is found that primary and secondary school afterschool services in Guizhou Province are facing quality assurance problems such as unclear rights and responsibilities of the main body of after-school services, insufficient precision of the content of after-school services, lack of synergistic funding for after-school services, and an imperfect evaluation system for the results of after-school services. Guided by the concept of high-quality development of education, a series of after- school service quality assurance measures are proposed to build mutual sharing of rights and responsi- bilities of after-school service subjects, enhance the accuracy of after-school service guarantee contents, adjust the mode of allocation of after-school service guarantee funds, and improve the evaluation system of after- school service quality assurance, aiming to improve the quality and effectiveness of after-school services in Guizhou's primary and secondary schools, and realize high-quality development of the quality assurance of Guizhou's primary and secondary schools' after-school services, with the aim of promote the overall development of students as an important goal, so as to achieve the ultimate goal of promoting the progress of education in Guizhou Province.  

关键词高质量发展, 课后服务, 质量提升, 贵州省
KeywordsHigh-quality development, after-school services, quality assurance, Guizhou Province
作者韩飞1,2, 李源源2, 张源源3
AuthorHAN Fei1,2, LI Yuanyuan2, ZHANG Yuanyuan3
所在单位1. 陕西师范大学教师发展学院/陕西教师发展研究院, 西安 710062
2. 贵州师范大学经济与管理学院, 贵阳 550001
3. 贵阳市第十二中学, 贵阳 550007
Company1. School of Teacher Development, Shaanxi Normal University/Shaanxi Institute of Teacher Development, Xi'an 710062, China
2. School of Economics and Management, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550001, China
3. No. 12 Middle School, Guiyang 550000, China
基金项目2023—2024 年贵州省青年发展研究课题“‘双减’政策背景下创新贵州校外教育新模式探究”(课题编号: QNYB2324)。
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引用本文韩飞, 李源源, 张源源. 高质量发展视域下贵州中小学课后服务质量研究[J]. 中国社会科学前沿, 2024, 1(1): 1-10.
CitationHAN Fei, LI Yuanyuan, ZHANG Yuanyuan. Research on the quality assurance of primary and secondary after-school services in Guizhou under the perspective of high-quality development[J]. Frontiers of Chinese Social Sciences, 2024, 1(1): 1-10.