2024年7月27日 星期六
Reality Characteristics,Power Mechanism and Path Choice of New Quality Productivity

新质生产力是在新时代、新经济、新产业背景下涌现, 以高质量发展为目标, 以科技创新为引领, 高素质劳动者为核心, 新型生产组织方式为基础的新型生产力。新质生产力具有重视创新、谋求长远、把握机遇的特征。新质生产力的这些特征使其能够满足推动生产高效运作的企业需求、促进产业高质量发展的经济需求、满足人民高品质生活的社会需求以及确保国家赢得主动权的政治需求。我国新质生产力的动力机制由科技创新驱动力、政府支持推动力以及市场需求拉动力共同构成。在内外部动力基础上, 重视以科技创新为核心, 构建科技创新体系; 以政企协同为手段, 培育新兴未来产业; 以社会需求为导向, 坚持高质量发展, 以促进新质生产力的快速发展, 以期为推动生产力发展及实现人类社会可持续发展贡献力量和智慧。


New-quality productivity is a new type of productivity that emerges in the context of a new era, a new economy and a new industry, aiming at high-quality development, led by scientific and technological innovation, with high-quality workers at its core, and based on a new mode of production and organisation. The new productive forces has the characteristics of attaching importance to innovation, a long-term approach and a grasp of opportunities. These characteristics of the new productive forces enable them to meet the needs of enterprises to promote efficient production, the economic needs to promote high-quality industrial development, the social needs to meet the people􀆳s high quality of life, and the political needs to ensure that the country wins the initiative. The power mechanism of China􀆳s new quality productivity consists of the driving force of scientific and technological innovation, the driving force of government support and the pulling force of market demand. On the basis of the internal and external driving forces, emphasis is placed on building a scientific and technological innovation system with scientific and technological innovation as the core, cultivate emerging future industries by means of government-enterprise synergy, and adhering to high-quality development guided by social demand, in order to promote the rapid development of new quality productivity, in order to contribute to the development of productive forces and the sustainable development of human society.  

关键词新质生产力, 科技创新, 高质量发展, 政企协同, 社会需求
KeywordsNew quality productivity, scientific and technological innovation, high-quality development, government- enterprise synergy, social demand
作者韩飞1,2, 廖思月1
AuthorHAN Fei1,2, LIAO Siyue1
所在单位1. 陕西师范大学教师发展学院/陕西教师发展研究院, 西安 710062
2. 贵州师范大学经济与管理学院, 贵阳 550001
Company1. School of Teacher Development, Shaanxi Normal University/ Shaanxi Institute of Teacher Development, Xi'an 710062, China
2. School of Economics and Management, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550001, China
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引用本文韩飞, 廖思月. 新质生产力的现实特征、动力机制与路径选择[J]. 中国经济研究, 2024, 3(1): 1-8.
CitationHAN Fei, LIAO Siyue. Reality characteristics, power mechanism and path choice of new quality productivity[J]. Journal of Chinese Economy, 2024, 3(1): 1-8.