2024年5月4日 星期六
Meta-code Symbols Duplication in the Cultural Genes

在教育过程中, 复制文化基因与学习科学知识是并行不悖的两条主线。科学知识需要在验证中学习, 而文化基因则需要拷贝复制。比照生物基因的染色体和DNA双螺旋结构, 中国人的文化基因共有六对“染色体”, 其中五对是常染色体, 一对是性染色体。五对常染色体由宫、商、角、徵、羽五个音调组成, 语音由平仄声调符号排列, 乐音由十二律排列, 而性染色体则是由阴阳符号排列。《诗经》和《易经》是中国人最应该复制的文化基因符号。《诗经》是语音基因符号, 《易经》是文字基因符号。前者反省过去, 后者规划未来。《诗经》和《易经》两类符号把过去和未来切分出去, 使我们能在“此在”的生活中, 从容而不逼仄, 自如似有神助。有《诗经》《易经》为我们背书, 就如同继承了丰厚的遗产, 拥有了强大精神后盾, 以抵御“假丑恶”符号对我们的侵犯。明代大音乐家朱载堉认为《大雅》是宫调语音, 《小雅》是徵调, 《国风》是角调。司马迁说“正教者皆始于音, 音正而行正”。语音来自心灵, 只有心灵端正, 行为才能端正, 正确的教育起始于语音、乐音。


In the educational process, cultural genes duplication and scientific knowledge learning are two main lines that go hand in hand. Scientific knowledge needs to be learned in verification, and cultural genes need to be copied. Compared with the chromosomes of biological genes and the double-helix structure of DNA, Chinese cultural genes have six pairs of “chromosomes”, of which five pairs are autosomes and one pair is sex chromosomes. The five pairs of autosomal chromosomes are composed of five tones, namely Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zheng and Yu. The sounds are arranged by four tonal symbols, the musical tones are arranged by twelve laws, and the sex chromosomes are arranged by the yin and yang symbols. “Book of Songs” and “Book of Changes” are the cultural gene symbols that Chinese people should try to duplicate most. The Book of Songs is a symbol of phonetic gene, and the Book of Changes is a symbol of text gene. The former reflects on the past, the latter plans for the future. The two types of symbols in the “Book of Songs” and the “Book of Changes” separate the past and the future, so that we can live in “Dasein” calmly without being constricted, as if we have God's help. Having “Book of Songs” and “Book of Changes” endorsed for us is like inheriting a rich heritage and having a strong spiritual backing to resist the violation of “false and ugly” symbols. Zhu Zaiyu, a great musician in the Ming Dynasty, believed that “Daya” was a palace tone, “Xiaoya” was a levy tone, and “Guofeng” was a corner tone. Sima Qian said, “Orthodox people all start with sound: if sound is right, behavior. is right. ” Voice comes from the mind. Only when the mind is correct can behaviors be correct. Correct education begins with voice.  

关键词符号, 符号学, 文化基因, 诗经, 易经
KeywordsSymbols, semiotics, cultural genes, Book of Songs, Book of Changes
AuthorJI Hong
所在单位汉滨区五里高级中学, 安康 725000
CompanyHanbin District Wuli High School, Ankang 725000, China
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引用本文季宏. 复制文化基因中的元代码符号[J]. 中国教育学理论与实践, 2023, 2(1): 1-8.
CitationJI Hong. Meta-code symbols duplication in the cultural genes[J]. Theory and Practice of Chinese Pedagogy, 2023, 2(1): 1-8.