摘要 | 中高考命题技术要基于教育测量学原理做一些改革。本文针对中高考不同题型试题, 提出七种改革设想, 供命题者研究参考。一是个别选择题变为不定项选择题、增加干扰项数量、实行等级赋分方式; 二是个别填空题采取一空多答案方式; 三是个别计算题的已知条件可以有多余、不同解法可以不同赋分; 四是实验题要加强考查实验方法迁移应用能力、质疑发现能力、探究创新能力 和严谨的科学态度; 五是个别问答题的情景可以包含一些可用可不用的、没用的、甚至错误的信息; 六是作文可以让学生自选题目, 优化评分技术; 七是增设跨学科融合型综合题; 八是增设视频题考查听和观察的能力。 |
Abstract | Question setting technology of senior high school entrance examination and national college entrance examination awaits some reform. on the basis of educational measurement principles. Following are seven proposals on such reform. for respective question types in the two examinations, for the reference of question originators. Firstly, the number of the correct choice (s) for choice questions can be made uncertain, disturbance options can be added, and point assigning can be conducted in accordance with different ratings. Secondly, multiple answers can be provided for certain blank-filling questions. Thirdly, redundant known conditions can be given for calculating questions, and points may be made respectively for different solutions. Fourthly, experiment questions shall attach greater importance to examining students’ abilities of assimilating and applying experimental methods, of questioning and detecting, and of exploring and innovating, as well as the rigorousness of their scientific attitude. Fifthly, some unnecessary, useless and even false information can be offered for question-and-answer questions. Sixth, self-selected topics can be set for composition writing, and assessing technology shall be optimized. Seventh, integrated interdisciplinary questions can be taken into the test. Eighth, audio questions can be added to test students’ hearing and observing abilities. |
DOI | 10.48014/tpcp.20220327001 |
文章类型 | 研究性论文 |
收稿日期 | 2022-03-27 |
接收日期 | 2022-05-05 |
出版日期 | 2022-06-28 |
关键词 | 中考命题, 高考命题, 命题技术, 试题研究, 考试评价 |
Keywords | Question setting of senior high school entrance examination, question setting of national college entrance examination, question setting technology, research on test questions, examination assessment |
作者 | 王旭东 |
Author | WANG Xudong |
所在单位 | 温州市教育评估院质量评价科, 温州 325000 |
Company | Division of Quality Evaluation, Wenzhou Educational Evaluation Institute, Wenzhou 325000, China |
浏览量 | 1320 |
下载量 | 604 |
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引用本文 | 王旭东. 基于教育测量学的中高考试题改革设想[J]. 中国教育学理论与实践, 2022, 1(1): 9-15. |
Citation | WANG Xudong. Proposals on reform of test questions of senior high school entrance examination and national college entrance examination based on educational measurement[J]. Theory and Practice of Chinese Pedagogy, 2022, 1(1): 9-15. |