2025年2月15日 星期六
The Role of Music Education in Middle School Ideological and Political Education

思想政治教育作为明确我国教育方向, 教育立场的重要一环, 是不可或缺的。其中中学思想政治教育作为能够更早树立学生正确思想、保障后期思想政治教育能够平稳开展的关键阶段也是尤为重要的。中学思想政治教育通常是以教师的教育为主体, 学生处于被动接受的教育状态。中学生的思想政治教育由于知识体系相对枯燥, 开展教学时总会略显困难。丰富教育方法、引入音乐教育的这种方式对于完善中学思想政治教育是较好的选择。音乐教育和思想政治教育虽是不同的两门专业, 但都是中学生教育发展过程中不可或缺的部分, 承担着不同的角色、发挥着其特有的作用。由于二者在教育目的的一致性以及方法具有一定的可融合性, 让二者的结合成为可能。目前中学将音乐教育用于思想政治教育的研究较为缺乏, 而将音乐教育的方法运用于思想政治教育之中来提升学生的各项素质是一个十分有用的方式。有必要进一步分析音乐教育对中学思想政治教育的作用, 来丰富中学思想政治教育的理论、提供中学思想政治教育的新方法、拓展中学思想政治教育的新道路。


 Ideological and political education is indispensable as an important link in clarifying the direction and position of education in China. Middle school ideological and political education is especially important as a key stage to establish students'correct thinking earlier and to ensure the smooth development of ideological and political education in the later stage. The ideological and political education in middle school usually takes the teacher's education as the main body, and the students are in a passive state of education. The ideological and political education of middle school students is always a little difficult to teach because of the relatively boring knowledge system. Enriching educational methods and introducing music education is a better choice for improving ideological and political education in middle school. Although music education and ideological and political education are two different majors, they are both indispensable parts in the development process of middle school ideological and political education, assuming different roles and playing their unique roles. Because of the consistency of the two in the educational purpose and the method has a certain degree of integration, so that the combination of the two possible. At present, the research on the application of music education to ideological and political education in middle schools is relatively lacking, and it is a very useful way to apply music education methods to ideological and political education to improve students'various qualities. It is necessary to further analyze the role of music education on middle school ideological and political education in order to enrich the theory of middle school ideological and political education, provide a new method of middle school ideological and political education, and expand the new road of middle school ideological and political education.  

关键词音乐教育, 中学, 思想政治教育
KeywordsMusic Education, middle school, ideological and political education
作者吴宁, 浦天罡
AuthorWU Ning, PU Tiangang
所在单位上海师范大学马克思主义学院, 上海 200234
CompanySchool of Marxism, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China
基金项目本文系国家社会科学基金后期资助项目“美国生态学马克思主义研究”(项目编号:17FZX030)和国家哲学社会科学 研究重大项目“马克思主义与中国文化关系的资料整理与研究”(项目编号:19ZDA015)的阶段性成果。
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引用本文吴宁, 浦天罡. 论音乐教育在中学思想政治教育中的作用[J]. 中国教育学理论与实践, 2024, 3(2): 47-54.
CitationWU Ning, PU Tiangang. The role of music education in middle school ideological and political education[ J]. Theory and Practice of Chinese Pedagogy, 2024, 3(2): 47-54.