2024年5月4日 星期六
Textual Research on Yu Daoxing and His Clan Revolving Around The Draft of County Annals of Jinghai

天津市静海区历史悠久, 文风惇厚, 文脉赓续, 科甲隆盛, 人才辈出, 据史料记载, 明清两代考取进士 (文、武) 62名, 举人 (文、武) 300余人, 尤其形成了众多的文化巨族, 比如三代进士四代翰林的励杜讷家族, 七位进士十三位举人的高尔俨家族等等。在静海文化世家的璀璨星河中, 于氏家族被研究得较少。康熙版《静海县志》中记载, 于氏家族的于道行曾于明代修撰过静海县志, 查阅其任职地的县志及静海的县志, 还有《于氏族谱》等古籍, 将于道行的履历及于氏家族的发展史逐步理清。于道行, 字文焕, 号霄厓, 出生于明代嘉靖初年左右, 嘉靖三十九年 (1560) 取岁贡士, 初任山东滕县训导, 隆庆五年 (1571) 调任莱芜县教谕, 万历初年升山西应州学正, 后致仕还家, 搜集采访, 不辞辛苦, 潜心修纂县志, 惜未就而卒, 留下《静海县志稿》, 逝后葬于东窑村后的于氏先茔。于道行后世子孙秉承家学, 不辱家风, 庠生、廪生、贡生比比皆是, 武举人1人, 文举人2人, 进士3人, 皆出自于道行直系后代。


Jinghai of Tianjin has a long history and an honest and sincere style. of literature, where it is of a prolonged literature context, all-pervading imperial examination and a large number of outstanding people. According to historical records, there had been 62 metropolitan graduates (literary and martial arts) , 300 provincial graduates (literary and martial arts) , and, especially, numerous large literary clans in Ming and Qing, including Li Duna’s of 3 metropolitan graduates and 4 members of the imperial academy and Gao Eryan’s of 7 metropolitan graduates and 13 provincial graduates. In the bright star river of Jinghai literary clans, Yu’s clan has been studied less. According to the records in Jinghai County Annals, Kangxi Ver. , Yu Daoxing of Yu’s clan had compiled the county annals in Ming. In consulting the annals of the places where he had taken office and that of Jinghai County and together with Yu’s Pedigree and other ancient books, Yu Daoxing’s resume and the history of his clan are sorted out step by step. Yu Daoxing, aliased Wenhuan and titled Xiaoya, was born in the earlier years of Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty. In the 39th year of Jiajing (1560) , he graduated from the imperial college and first took office as a truant officer in Tengxian, Shandong; in the 5th year of Longqing (1571) , he was transferred to Laiwu County as an instructor; in the earlier years of Wanli, he was promoted as a tutor in Yingzhou, Shanxi. He went back home after his retirement and started his hard work on material collection for his compiling of the Jinghai County Annals. Unfortunately, he died before completion of the annal and was buried in Yu’s cemetery in the rear of Dongyao Village, leaving the draft only. The descendants of Yu Daoxing continued the family learning and kept the glory of the clan, from whom there had come out many graduates of provincial, metropolitan and imperial colleges. There had been 1 martial provincial graduate, 2 literary provincial graduates, and 3 metropolitan graduates coming out from Yu Daoxing’s lineal progeny alone.  

关键词科举, 文化家族, 静海, 于道行, 静海县志
KeywordsImperial examinations, literary families, Jinghai, Yu Daoxing, Jinghai County Annals
AuthorLI Jiayang
所在单位独立学者, 天津 301636
CompanyAn Independent Scholar, Tianjin 301636, China
参考文献[1](清)阎甲胤修, 马方伸纂. 《静海县志》康熙十二年刻本, 卷二《选举志》第34页.
[2](清)黄浚修, 王特先纂. 《滕县志》康熙五十六年刻本, 卷一《职官志》第25页.
[3](清)钟国义, 叶方恒纂修. 《新修莱芜县志》康熙十二年刻本, 卷八第21页.
[4](清)钟国义, 叶方恒纂修. 《新修莱芜县志》康熙十二年刻本, 卷八第25页.
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[7](民国)《于氏族谱》1930年石印本, 卷三第11页.
[8](民国)《于氏族谱》1930年石印本, 卷三第7页.
[9](民国)《于氏族谱》1930年石印本, 卷三第18页.
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[13](民国)《于氏族谱》1930年石印本, 卷三第8页.
[14](民国)元殿元纂. 《静海县志》1934年铅印版, 人民部午集第5页.
[15](民国)阴国垣纂. 《沁源县志》1933年铅印版, 卷三第4页.
[16](清)张九华修, 吴嗣范等纂. 《重修景宁县志》乾隆四十三年刻本, 卷十二第20页.
引用本文李佳阳. 明代岁贡生于道行及其家族考———以《静海县志稿》为中心[J]. 中国教育学理论与实践, 2023, 2(1): 41-53.
CitationLI Jiayang. Textual research on Yu Daoxing and his clan-revolving around The Draft of County Annals of Jinghai[J]. Theory and Practice of Chinese Pedagogy, 2023, 2(1): 41-53.