2024年5月4日 星期六
Cross-regional Participation in National Graduate Admission Examination:The Historical Implications of Shuntian and Shanxi Provincial Examination in the Late Qing Dynasty

晚清壬寅、癸卯二科乡试是中国科举史上的最后两场乡试。然而, 在内忧外患的侵扰之下, 清廷为延续科举取士之传统, 实现拔擢人才之目的, 不得不采取折中之法, 借河南贡院举行顺天乡试, 借陕西贡院举行山西乡试, 由此出现了千年科举时代少有的借闱现象。比较两省乡试借闱的实施过程, 发现二者在时间优先级、录送复杂性、官员派遣以及考试内容等方面存在诸多差异, 但是从借闱之目标、原则等考试理念层面来看, 两省乡试又具有明显的共同特征, 包括注重乡试组织的简便性、尊重各省乡试的独立性、坚守科举取士的公平性。鉴古知今, 晚清乡试借闱与当今研招异地借考可谓异曲同工, 其实践经验对提高研招现代化治理水平与能力具有重要的历史启示, 一应加强研招异地借考国家制度建设, 二应重视各省区研招标准化考场建设, 三应健全研招异地借考资源协调机制。


In the late Qing Dynasty, Renyin and Guimao rural examinations were the last two rural examinations in the history of Chinese imperial examinations. However, under the intrusion of domestic troubles and foreign invaders, the Qing Court had to adopt a compromise method in order to continue the tradition of selecting scholars through the imperial examinations and pick out and promote talents. The imperial examinations were held in Shuntian County in Henan Province and in Shanxi Province in Shaanxi Province, which led to the rare phenomenon of borrowing Wei in the imperial examinations of thousands of years. When the implementation process of the two provinces of the provincial exams borrowed exams are compared, it is found that there are many differences between the two provinces in terms of the time priority, the complexity of admission and delivery, the dispatch of officials and the content of the examination. However, from the perspective of the examination concepts such as the objectives and principles of the borrowed exams, the two provinces have obvious common features, including paying attention to the simplicity of the township examination organization, respecting the independence of provincial township examination, and adhering to the fairness of the imperial examination. From the perspective of the past, the practice experience in the late Qing Dynasty is similar to that in the present. It has important historical revelation for improving the management level and ability of the modernization of the postgraduate entrance examination. Firstly, we should strengthen the construction of the national system of the postgraduate entrance examination in different places, secondly, we should attach importance to the construction of standardized examination centers in different provinces and regions, and thirdly, we should improve the coordination mechanism of the resources of the postgraduate entrance examination in different places.  

关键词晚清, 乡试借闱, 研招, 异地借考
KeywordsLate Qing Dynasty, provincial-level examination-in-charge, postgraduate entrance, taking examination in a different place
作者傅冠华*, 李木洲
AuthorFU Guanhua*, LI Muzhou
所在单位浙江大学 科举学与考试研究中心, 杭州 310058.
CompanyCenter for Study of Imperial Examination and Examination Research, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China.
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引用本文傅冠华, 李木洲. 研招异地借考: 晚清顺天与山西乡试借闱的历史启示[J]. 中国教育学理论与实践, 2023, 2(4): 97-105.
CitationFU Guanhua, LI Muzhou. Cross-regional participation in national graduate admission examination: the historical implications of Shuntian and Shanxi Provincial examination in the Late Qing Dynasty[J]. Theory and Practice of Chinese Pedagogy, 2023, 2(4): 97-105.