2024年5月5日 星期日
The Institutional Origins of the Ming and Qing Imperial Examinations' Special Classics Examination Model, the Separation of Scripture Reading and the Reform of Accumulated Disadvantages

儒家经学向来是古代科举衡文取士的主要内容, 而科举考试考查经学的门类和范围又对士人习经研学产生明显的诱导作用。明清科举采取士人在五经书中择取一经作为本经应举的专经试士模式, 不仅有着久远的制度渊源和历史沿革, 而且在实施运行中也产生了分经阅卷规制。为了更好地选拔官员, 维护封建统治, 基于专经试士长期运行所衍生的众多弊端, 清廷采取了试经模式改革, 变专经试士为五经并试。这一试经模式的改革调整, 给新时代推进高考综合改革具有重要而独特的历史镜鉴价值。


Confucianism has always been the main content of the ancient imperial examinations, and the types and scope of the examination of classics have had a significant role in inducing scholars to study the classics. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the imperial examinations adopted the mode of selecting one of the five classics as the special classics examination, which not only had a long institutional origin and historical evolution, but also produced the system of marking the classics in the implementation of the operation. In order to better select officials and maintain the feudal rule, based on the numerous disadvantages derived from the long-term operation of the special scripture test, the Qing court adopted the reform. of the mode of trying classics, changing the special scripture test for the five classics and test. This reform. and adjustment of this trial mode has an important and unique historical mirror value for promoting the comprehensive reform. of the college entrance examination in the new era.  

关键词明清科举, 专经试士, 分经阅卷, 五经并试
KeywordsMing and Qing imperial examinations, specialized scripture test, sub-classics marking, five classics and test
AuthorFENG Jianmin
所在单位济南大学教育与心理科学学院, 济南 250022
CompanySchool of Education and Psychological Science, University of Jinan, Jinan 250022, China
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引用本文冯建民. 明清科举专经试士模式的制度渊源、分经阅卷与积弊改革[J]. 中国教育学理论与实践, 2023, 2(3): 90-96.
CitationFENG Jianmin. The institutional origins of the Ming and Qing imperial examinations' special classics examination model, the separation of scripture reading and the reform of accumulated disadvantages[J]. Theory and Practice of Chinese Pedagogy, 2023, 2(3): 90-96.