2024年5月4日 星期六
Research on Regional Equity in China's Large-Scale Selection Examinations:A Study Centered on Imperial Examinations and the National College Entrance Examination(NCEE)

科举与高考同属于我国大规模选拔考试制度, 在不同历史时期发挥着重要作用。隋唐以前的区域公平意识最初以“乡举里选”的形式体现, 科举制度创立以后, 区域公平问题逐步恶化, 并于明清时期达到顶峰, 分卷制度与分省取士制应运而生。反观现代高考, 高考恢复之初, 高等教育入学机会上的差异主要在于家庭背景和城乡来源, 至21世纪初期这种差异开始体现在地域层面, 至今仍旧存在, 其原因大致包括历史与现实两方面。在此基础上, 采用视域融合的方式, 比较科举与高考在区域公平问题上的异同, 为高考改革提出两点建议, 从外部支持上, 为弱势地区划定最低录取比例, 从内部发展上, 提升弱势地区高等教育资源质量, 以此逐步化解我国在高等教育入学机会上的区域公平问题。


The imperial examination and the college entrance examination both belong to China's large-scale selection and examination system, and have played important roles in different historical periods. Before the Sui and Tang dynasties, the sense of regional fairness was initially reflected in the form. of "rural election", but after the establishment of the imperial examination system, the problem of regional fairness gradually worsened and reached its peak in the Ming and Qing dynasties, with the emergence of the split-scroll system and the system of taking scholars from different provinces. On the contrary, when the modern college entrance examination was restored, the differences in higher education enrollment opportunities were mainly due to family background and urban/rural origins, and in the early 21st century, such differences began to be reflected at the regional level, and still exist today, for reasons that include both history and reality. On this basis, we adopt a perspective integration approach to compare the similarities and differences between the imperial examination and the college entrance examination in terms of regional equity, and put forward two suggestions for the reform. of the college entrance examination, which are to set a minimum admission ratio for the disadvantaged regions in terms of external support, and to improve the quality of the higher educationresources in the disadvantaged regions in terms of internal development, in order to gradually solve the problem of regional equity in terms of higher education enrollment opportunities in our country.  

关键词区域公平, 教育公平, 高等教育, 入学机会
KeywordsRegional equity, educational equity, higher education, access
AuthorSUN Yiyuan
所在单位浙江大学科举学与考试研究中心, 杭州 310058.
CompanyThe Centre for Imperial Examination and Examination Studies, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China.
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引用本文孙艺源. 关于科举与高考的区域公平性问题研究[J]. 中国教育学理论与实践, 2023, 2(3): 81-89.
CitationSUN Yiyuan. Research on regional equity in China's large-scale selection examinations: a study centered on imperial examinations and the National College Entrance Examination(NCEE)[J]. Theory and Practice of Chinese Pedagogy, 2023, 2(3): 81-89.