2024年12月10日 星期二
Based on 11 Research Reports the Future Education Trend of Primary and Secondary Schools in Korea is Examined

研究以2016—2022年韩国国家政策研究机构发布的11份未来教育研究报告为对象, 从未来教育目标、未来教育内容、未来教育学习及评价、未来教育发展战略四个方面进行质性内容研究。结果显示, 未来教育目标不仅注重社会对教育的需求, 还注重发挥个人潜力。未来教育内容包括能力教育、多元文化教育、职业前途教育、人性情感教育、全球公民意识教育、数字教育等。未来教育方法主要是基于ICT技术的个性化学习, 以学习者为中心的项目学习、问题学习、探究学习、合作学习、形式学习、非形式学习、融合学习等。未来教育发展战略需要完善公共教育等体制。另一方面, 未来教育有必要基于教育本质与教育改革历史反思, 从宏观长远角度思考未来发展方向。


The study focuses on 11 future education research reports released by the South Korean National Policy Research Institute from 2016 to 2022, and conducts qualitative research from four aspects: future education goals, future education content, future education learning and evaluation, and future education development strategies. The results show that future education goals not only focus on the social demand for education, but also on unleashing individual potential. The future education content includes ability education, multicultural education, future career education, human emotion education, global citizenship education, digital education, and etc. Future education methods are mainly personalized learning based on ICT technology, learner centered project learning, problem learning, inquiry learning, cooperative learning, formal learning, informal learning, and blended learning. The future education development strategy needs to improve public education and other systems. On the other hand, it is necessary for future education to reflect on the essence of education and the history of educational reform, and to consider the direction of future development from a macro and long-term perspective.  

关键词未来教育, 未来教育展望, 未来教育政策, 质性分析
KeywordsFuture education, future education prospects, future education policies, qualitative analysis
作者和小军1, 毋翠玲1, 杨莲2,*
AuthorHE Xiaojun1, WU Cuiling1, YANG Lian2,*
所在单位1. 玉林师范学院教育科学学院, 玉林 537000
2. 韶关学院教师教育学院, 韶关 512000
Company1. School of Educational Science, Yulin Normal University, Yulin 537000, China
2. Teacher Education College, Shaoguan University, Shaoguan 512000, China
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引用本文和小军, 毋翠玲, 杨莲. 基于11份研究报告的韩国中小学未来教育动向考察[J]. 中国教育科学进展, 2023, 2(1): 7-23.
CitationHE Xiaojun, WU Cuiling, YANG Lian. Based on 11 research reports the future education trend of primary and secondary schools in Korea is examined[J]. Progress of Chinese Pedagogy, 2023, 2(1): 7-23.