摘要 | 了解高校辅导员心理健康教育胜任力, 为辅导员心理健康教育培训提供方向。使用修订的高校辅导员心理健康教育胜任力问卷, 选取广西两所高校126名辅导员进行问卷调查。辅导员心理健康教育胜任力是一个一阶9因子、二阶4因子的结构;二阶4因子得分从高到低排序依次为关爱学生、自我效能感、深度辅导干预和心理问题识别;性别、是否阅读心理学教育学书籍是辅导员心理健康教育胜任力的预测因素。辅导员心理健康教育胜任力培训必须注重心理问题识别技能。 |
Abstract | To understand the mental health education competency of counselors in colleges and universities and to provide direction for counselor mental health education and training. 126 counselors from two colleges and universities in Guangxi were selected for questionnaire survey using the revised mental health education competency questionnaire for counselors in colleges and universities. Counselors' . mental health education competency was a structure of nine factors in the first class and four factors in the second class. These scores of four factors in the second class rank from high to low were: caring for students, self-efficacy, in-depth counseling intervention and psychological problem identification. Gender and whether they read books about psychology education were taken into consideration to forecast counselors' mental health education competency. Mental health education competency training for counselors must pay attention to develop psychological problem identification skills. |
DOI | 10.48014/tpcp.20220607001 |
文章类型 | 研究性论文 |
收稿日期 | 2022-06-18 |
接收日期 | 2022-06-27 |
出版日期 | 2022-09-28 |
关键词 | 辅导员, 心理健康教育, 胜任力 |
Keywords | Counselor, mental health education, competency |
作者 | 邝宏达1,*, 张华东2 |
Author | KUANG Hongda1,*, ZHANG Huadong2 |
所在单位 | 1. 桂林电子科技大学马克思主义学院, 桂林 541004 2. 桂林电子科技大学心理健康教育中心, 桂林 541004 |
Company | 1. School of Marxism, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China 2. Mental Health Education Center, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China |
浏览量 | 1003 |
下载量 | 325 |
基金项目 | 广西高等教育教学改革工程立项项目“高校辅导员心理健康教育能力培养体系研究与实践”(项目编号: 2015JGA205) |
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引用本文 | 邝宏达, 张华东. 高校辅导员心理健康教育胜任力现状调查———以广西两所高校为例[J]. 中国教育学理论与实践, 2022, 1(2): 49-56. |
Citation | KUANG Hongda, ZHANG Huadong. A survey on the current situation of mental health competency of counselors in colleges and universities: Take two universities in Guangxi as examples[J]. Theory and Practice of Chinese Pedagogy, 2022, 1(2): 49-56. |