摘要 | 研究探讨在突发疫情期间, “停课不停学”状态下, 同一城市中不同地区及不同年级之间的小学家长身心焦虑程度与亲子间的互动情况。研究采用问卷法, 采取方便取样方式, 对江苏省常州市小学家长进行调查, 一共发放问卷2756份, 回收有效样本2501份进行分析研究。分析结果: 突发疫情期间, 在“停课不停学”状态下, 不同地区的小学家长“身心焦虑”和“亲子互动”存在显著差异; 年级对小学家长“躯体化”与“亲子互动”存在积极影响。研究发现: 突发疫情期间, 在“停课不停学”状态下, 1. 小学家长“心理焦虑”在学校所在地上存在差异; 2. 小学家长“躯体化”在学校所在地上存在差异; 3. 小学家长“心理焦虑”在年级阶段上存在差异; 4. 小学家长“躯体化”在年级阶段上存在差异; 5. 小学家长与孩子“亲子互动”在学校所在地上存在差异; 6. 小学家长与孩子“亲子互动”在年级阶段上存在差异。研究建议为: 一、加强疫情期间的家校合作; 二、家庭教育观念需要转变。 |
Abstract | This study explores the physical and psychological anxiety degree of primary school parents and the interactions between parents and their children in different regions and grades of the same city during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The questionnaire method was used and convenient sampling method was adopted to investigate the primary school parents in Changzhou city, Jiangsu Province. 2756 questionnaires were issued, and 2501 valid samples were recovered for analysis and research. The results of this study shows that there were significant differences in “physical and mental anxiety” and “parent-child interaction” in primary school in different regions during the period of “school suspension”. Grade level has positive influence on “somatization” and “parent-child interaction” of primary school parents. The findings are as follows: 1. The location of the school has an impact on the “physical anxiety” of primary school parents; 2. The location of the school has an impact on the “psychological anxiety” of primary school parents; 3. Grade level has influence on “physical anxiety” of primary school parents; 4. Grade level has influence on “psychological anxiety” of primary school parents; 5. School location has influence on “parent-child interaction” of primary school parents and children; 6. Grade level has influence on parent-child interaction between primary school parents and children. The recommendations of the study are as follows: 1. Strengthen home-school cooperation during the epidemic; 2. Changes in the concept of family education are needed. |
DOI | 10.48014/tpcp.20230507001 |
文章类型 | 研究性论文 |
收稿日期 | 2023-05-07 |
接收日期 | 2024-03-01 |
出版日期 | 2024-03-28 |
关键词 | 疫情, “停课不停学”, 小学家长, 身心焦虑, 亲子互动 |
Keywords | COVID-19 pandemic, “suspension without suspension”, primary school parents, physical and mental anxiety, parent-child interaction |
作者 | 蔡宜秀1, 黃茂榮2,*, 李严亲3, 覃叶蕾3, 陈思卓3, 边雅涓3, 卢然3 |
Author | CAI Yixiu1, HUANG Maorong2,*, LI Yanxin3, QIN Yelai3, CHEN Sizhuo3, BIAN Yajuan3, LU Ran3 |
所在单位 | 1. 泉州职业技术大学, 泉州 362268 2. 修平科技大学, 台中 41280 3. 江苏理工学院心理学系, 常州 213000 |
Company | 1. Quanzhou Vocational and Technical University, Quanzhou 362268, China 2. Hsiuping University of Science and Technology, Taichung 41280 3. Department of Psychology, Jiangsu University of Technology, Changzhou, China |
浏览量 | 636 |
下载量 | 379 |
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引用本文 | 蔡宜秀, 黃茂榮, 李严亲, 等. 疫情“停课不停学”期间小学家长身心焦虑与亲子互动研究———以常州市为例[J]. 中国教育学理论与实践, 2024, 3(1): 37-46. |
Citation | CAI Yixiu, HUANG Maorong, LI Yanxin, et al. A study on “physical and mental anxiety”, and “parent-child interaction” in primary school during the “suspension without suspension” period———taking Changzhou city as an example[J]. Theory and Practice of Chinese Pedagogy, 2024, 3(1): 37-46. |