2024年12月10日 星期二
基于本科专业综合评价结果的高校排名探讨* ———以江西省为例
Discussion on the Ranking of Universities based on the Results of Comprehensive Evaluation of Undergraduate Majors: Taking Jiangxi Province as An Exampl

江西省首轮专业综合评价工作取得了积极成效, 对专业综合评价工作进行科学总结分析有利于提高高校参与下一轮专业综合评价工作的积极性, 合理利用专业综合评价结果有利于推动各参评高校提高专业建设水平, 从而整体推进江西省高等教育质量水平。经过对江西省首轮专业综合评价结果进行统计分析, 剔除全省唯一参评的专业后, 对同一专业不同高校的综合评价排名结果进行赋分, 再取各高校所有参评专业得分的平均值作为高校排名依据, 对各高校进行排名, 排名数据可信、内涵可比、评价可靠。从排名结果可以得出并非专业越多越好、部分新建本科院校由于参评专业数量不够影响排名的不可持续。 


The first round of comprehensive evaluation of majors in Jiangxi Province has achieved positive results. Scientific summary and analysis of the comprehensive evaluation of majors is conductive to improving the enthusiasm of universities to participate in the next round of comprehensive evaluation of majors, and the reasonable use of comprehensive evaluation results of majors is conducive to promoting the participating universities to improve the level of major construction, so as to promote the overall quality of higher education in Jiangxi Province. After statistical analysis of the first round of comprehensive evaluation results of majors in Jiangxi Province, the only participating majors in the province, were excluded, and the ranking results of comprehensive evaluation of different universities of the same majors are assigned points. Then, the average of the scores of all participating majors of each university was taken as the basis of university ranking to rank each university, and the ranking data were reliable, comparable in connotation and reliable in evaluation. From the ranking results, it can be concluded that more majors do not necessarily bring about better ranking, and some new undergraduate institutions are not sustainable due to the insufficient number of participating majors. The unsustainability of the ranking is affected by the insufficient number of majors participating in the comprehensive evaluation in some new undergraduate institutions.  

关键词本科高校, 专业综合评价, 大学排名
KeywordsUniversities, comprehensive major evaluation, university ranking
作者何习平1,*, 金志农2, 胡赛凤3, 刘剑冰4
AuthorHE Xipin1,*, JIN Zhinong2, HU Saifeng3, LIU Jianbing4
所在单位1. 南昌工程学院水利与生态工程学院, 南昌 330099
2. 南昌工程学院党委 (校长) 办公室, 南昌 330099
3. 南昌工程学院教育教学评估中心, 南昌 330099
4. 南昌工程学院电气工程学院, 南昌 330099
Company1. School of Hydraulic and Ecological Engineering, Nanchang Institute of Technology, Nanchang 330099, China
2. President's Office, Nanchang Institute of Technology, Nanchang 330099, China
3. Education and Teaching Assessment Centre, Nanchang Institute of Technology, Nanchang 330099, China
4. School of Electrical Engineering, Nanchang Institute of Technology, Nanchang 330099, China
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引用本文何习平. 基于本科专业综合评价结果的高校排名探讨———以江西省为例[J]. 中国教育学理论与实践, 2022, 1(2): 34-41.
CitationHE Xiping. Discussion on the ranking of universities based on the results of comprehensive evaluation of undergraduate majors: Taking Jiangxi Province as an example[J]. Theory and Practice of Chinese Pedagogy, 2022, 1(2): 34-41.